Workplace Testing
Occupational Hygiene
Direct Hazmat Consultants provide a full range of occupational hygiene services, ranging from a basic characterisation asessment to a detailed assessment, for many occupational hygiene disciplines.
Our consultants are members of the New Zealand Occupational Hygiene Society (NZOHS) and HAZANZ registered. We provide a friendly, nationwide service with comprehensive reports. Under Section 36(1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 2015, the PCBU has a duty of care and is required to monitor for the purpose of preventing injury or illness of workers. We can ensure that you are compliant for monitoring.
Dust, Particulates and Fibres
We can provide dust exposure monitoring for hazardous workplace substances such as coal dust, wood, heavy metals, diesel particulate, asbestos and synthetic fibres, respirable crystalline silica and nuisance dust.
Inhalable and respirable personal monitoring is conducted following recognised methodologies (AS2985 & AS3640). Personal monitoring is recommended, as this gives a representative sample of the worker’s exposure which can then be compared to the workplace exposure standards.
Direct monitoring of areas can be undertaken using a Dust Trak device.
Overexposure to dust can lead to irritation of the respiratory tract and permanent scarring of the lungs. Fine dust can be invisible to the naked eye meaning that the level your employees are exposed to is unknown unless you monitor it.
These types of assessments are useful for industries involved in mining, excavation, welding, farming, bakeries, milling, cutting/grinding of wood, concrete or glass etc.
Respirable Crystalline Silica
We can provide respirable crystalline silica monitoring for quartz and cristobalite. Exposure to respirable crystalline silica (RCS) can lead to long-term health effects such as silicosis, lung cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), and kidney disease. Due to these health effects, the workplace exposure standard (WES) for RCS is very low, meaning that small exposures are hazardous to health.
RCS is found within natural construction materials such as stone, sand, concrete, granite, and glass, making it abundant in the construction industry. Monitoring of RCS is beneficial to the company as it demonstrates compliance with the WES or identifies areas which may need additional controls to keep the workers safe. Contact us if you would like to learn more about how we monitor for quartz and cristobalite.

Direct Hazmat Consultants can provide workplace noise assessments in accordance with the current Regulations, the Approved Code of Practice and the AS/NZS 1269 Standards.
We provide two main types of noise exposure assessments:
Personal Monitoring – Workers are monitored over a shift using a dosimeter or sound level meter. Their exposures are then compared to the workplace exposure standards to determine whether the hazard of noise is adequately controlled
Area Monitoring – Machines are monitored using a sound level meter to determine the noise levels in certain areas. This information can be used to prepare sound-level maps or determine if workers should be personally monitored
An indication that noise testing may be needed is if employees need to raise their voices to have a conversation when they are one metre away from each other, or if they are experiencing ringing in their ears after work. Noise is a preventable workplace hazard that can lead to both long- and short-term health effects such as noise-induced hearing loss, headaches and tinnitus.
At Direct Hazmat Consultants, we offer measurements of light in lux in many situations to determine if the lighting present is adequate and suitable for the tasks to be carried out. Lighting is a crucial factor that can result in physical accidents as well as eye fatigue, headaches, and impact on employee performance and frustration. This type of testing may be appropriate if workers carry out fine detail work, or complain about visibility, eye fatigue, or headaches.

Welding and Soldering Fumes
Welding and soldering produce fumes that contain toxic heavy metals and other chemicals. These fumes can result in many adverse health effects from mild irritation to permanent damage to the respiratory tract.
Direct Hazmat Consultants can provide both inhalable and respirable personal exposure monitoring of workers. The results are compared to the current workplace exposure standards. This type of testing may be appropriate if welding or related activities occur in your workplace.

Gases, Organic and Inorganic Compounds
Direct Hazmat Consultants can provide a full range of personal exposure monitoring for all types of airborne compounds including gases, and organic and inorganic compounds such as asphyxiants, aromatic hydrocarbons, aldehydes, isocyanates, oil mists, alkaline and acid gases etc.
Monitoring can be undertaken using direct monitoring devices, taking grab samples, or taking exposure samples from workers using a suitable media or filter. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can have many adverse health effects including but not limited to eye, nose and throat irritation, neurological effects such as loss of coordination and headaches, damage to the liver, kidney, and central nervous system, and some are known or suspected to cause cancers. This type of monitoring may be required in many situations, including but not limited to where products have been used such as wood preservatives, aerosol sprays, cleaners/disinfectants, dry-cleaned clothing, inks from printers, paints, paint strippers, and other solvents.
Direct Hazmat Consultants can provide assessments of ventilation systems including local exhaust ventilation systems used to remove contaminants.
Assessments can involve calculating the air changes in a room to testing the capture and transport velocity, static pressure in ducting and pressure differentials inside enclosures.
Direct Hazmat Consultants can provide an assessment of worker exposure to biological hazards such as bacteria (e.g., Legionella), yeast and fungi.
This type of monitoring may be required for workers involved with mushrooms, mulch, compost, farm animals and manure.
Human Factors and Ergonomics
Direct Hazmat Consultants can provide workstation and task assessments to ensure that work procedures are ergonomically friendly, preventing unnecessary injury to employees.
The goal of ergonomics is to prevent injuries at work such as those caused by sudden or sustained exposure to force, vibration, repetitive movement, and awkward posture. Ergonomics are relevant to all workplaces.
Thermal Exposures
Direct Hazmat Consultants provide thermal comfort, and heat/cold stress assessments.
Thermal comfort is a subjective phenomenon. Assessments involve monitoring environmental factors such as the air temperature, radiant temperature, air velocity, humidity, worker activity and clothing.
Heat stress assessments are based on ISO 7933 using the Predicted Heat Stress Australian model and guidance from AIOH.
These types of assessments are common for industries where workers are working in chillers or freezers, bakeries, boiler rooms, electrical transmitter stations etc.

Vibration energy is passed onto workers from vibrating tools and machinery. This can either be hand-arm or whole-body vibration.
Direct Hazmat Consultants can provide exposure assessments and give advice to reduce the risk of adverse health effects to workers.
This type of monitoring may be required for workers using jackhammers, impact drivers, chainsaws or operating heavy machinery.

Get In Touch
We would love the opportunity to help you, whether it’s a problem in your home, at work, or on a building site. If you would like a quote or have any questions, please complete the form below and one of our team will be in touch as soon as possible.
Agri Business Centre,
8 Weld Street,
Feilding 4702,
New Zealand
Email: admin@directhazmat.co.nz
Phone: 0800 1 HAZMAT (0800 1 429628)